Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Adult Incontinence FAQ

Incontinence FAQ

Male FAQFemale FAQ


How common is bladder weakness?
Bladder weakness affects, on average, about 7% of the population. This figure becomes gradually higher in men from the age of sixty.
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How does the bladder work?
When you eat or drink your body absorbs liquids. The kidneys filter waste products from the body fluids and make urine. A continuous trickle passes from the kidneys to the bladder and the bladder slowly expands. When the bladder is full a signal goes to the brain indicating the need to go to the toilet. Once the toilet is reached the brain then tells the large bladder muscle to squeeze and contract. At the same time, it tells the support muscles to relax and let the urine pass.
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How often do most people empty their bladder?
Most people empty their bladders between four to eight times a day.
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I’m relatively young and have a weak bladder. Isn’t this something that only affects older people?
Many men have problems urinating for a variety of reasons and regardless of age. Men who have undergone prostate surgery sometimes experience weak bladders for a limited period, maybe a year. Young boys with some kind of penile inflammation can also be affected. Heavy smokers cough more frequently than non-smokers and this can exacerbate the situation. Too much coffee, tea or alcohol doesn’t help either. So you can see, age is not the only factor.
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Do exercises really help?
Yes they do. Please have a look at the training program in the How to Train Your Bladder section of this blog. Here you can see what exercises you can do. If in doubt we recommend you first consult with a doctor or urologist who can tell you which exercises are best for you.
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What can be done about bladder weakness?
For different types of bladder control problems various other methods of treatment are available. Please talk to your doctor about the possibilities for treating your bladder control problem. The treatment of your bladder control problem, used in conjunction with Adult Incontinence products, will ensure that you can regain your confidence.
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If I drink less will things improve?
No. Drinking less will make your urine more concentrated, which will in turn irritate your bladder, causing you to urinate more often. You should drink 6 to 8 glasses of fluid each day. However, it is not recommended that you drink excessive amounts either as this could lead to distension of the bladder.
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My symptoms are different than those I have read about. What should I do?
The site deals with the most prevalent forms of bladder weakness and, due to limited space, we cannot go into greater detail. We would recommend looking in the More Information section or talking to your doctor.
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Where can I order my Adult Diapers with discrete shipping?
You can order them online at www.binsons.com or contact one of our customer service representatives at (888)-246-7667.
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How common is bladder weakness?
Bladder weakness affects about 7% of the population and is more prevalent in women. In fact, bladder weakness is just as common as hay fever! We have found in research that one in four women over 35 have experienced bladder weakness.
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How does the bladder work?
When you eat or drink your body absorbs liquids. The kidneys filter waste products from the body fluids and make urine. A continuous trickle passes from the kidneys to the bladder and the bladder slowly expands. When the bladder is full a signal goes to the brain indicating the need to go to the toilet. Once the toilet is reached the brain then tells the large bladder muscle to squeeze and contract. At the same time it tells the support muscles (pelvic floor muscles) that surround the urethra - the outlet from the bladder - to relax and let the urine pass.
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How often do most people empty their bladder?
Most people empty their bladders between four to eight times a day.
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I’m relatively young and have a weak bladder. Isn’t this something that only affects older people?
One out of four women over 35 years old have experienced bladder weakness. Pregnancy and childbirth contribute to this figure. Menopausal women often experience bladder weakness. Even young girls sometimes experience leaking after strenuous exercise. Heavy smokers cough more frequently than non-smokers, and this can exacerbate the situation. Too much coffee, tea or alcohol doesn’t help either. So you can see, age is not the only factor.
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What can be done about bladder weakness?
The best way to try to prevent or reduce the number of leakage episodes is to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles by performing the exercises described in the training program section of the website. This tends to be more effective if you have the stress type of bladder control problem. For other types of bladder control problems, various other methods of treatment are available. Please talk to your doctor about the possibilities for treating your bladder control problem. The treatments described, used in conjunction with Binson's absorbent products, will ensure that you can regain your confidence.
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Do exercises really help?
Yes they do. Please have a look at the training program in the bladder weakness section of this website. Here you can see what exercises you can do. If in doubt we recommend you first consult with a doctor or urologist who can tell you which exercises are best for you.
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I have read that bladder weakness can be treated with muscle-training exercises. How long before the exercises start to show results?
You will begin to feel the benefit of exercises after just a few weeks and after 8 to 12 months there is a very good chance you will be symptom-free. Even if you are not, your situation will have improved, and with the right products to help you, you will regain your confidence. The sooner you act, the better! Most people wait so long that it takes the body some time to get back to earlier routines.
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If I drink less will things improve?
No. Drinking less will make your urine more concentrated which will in turn irritate your bladder, causing you to urinate more often. You should drink 6 to 8 glasses a day. However, it is not recommended that you drink excessive amounts either as this could lead to distension of the bladder.
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Can I use sanitary pads for bladder weakness?
No; urine is light and is discharged in larger quantities; menstrual discharge is heavier and comes out more slowly. Two different conditions require two different absorption techniques and two different products.
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What products would I need?
There are Adult Incontinence products for all situations- from mild bladder weakness to heavy bladder and bowel incontinence. You can find more information in the products section of this website or contact one of our customer service representatives at (888)-246-7667.
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My symptoms are different than those I have read about. What should I do?
This site deals with the most prevalent forms of bladder weakness and, due to limited space, we cannot go into greater detail. We recommend talking to your doctor or having a look in the more information section of this website.
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How do I dispose of my Adult Diapers?
You should not throw Adult Diapers in the toilet, but dispose of these in your trash or in the special container for sanitary products located in public bathrooms. With some Adult Diaper products, you can use the plastic wrapping from your new product to dispose of the old one.
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Where can I order my Adult Diapers with discrete shipping?
You can order them online at www.binsons.com or contact one of our customer service representatives at (888)-246-7667.
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Where can I learn more about Adult Diapers and how Binson's can help me?
Visit our Adult Diaper Page at http://www.binsons.com/cgi-bin/web/services/adult-diapers.html or contact one of our customer service representatives at (888)-246-7667.

This information is from

http://www.tena.us/consumers/bladder/women/ and http://www.tena.us/consumers/bladder/men/

To the best of our knowledge, the information contained herein is accurate. However, neither Binson's, or any of its subsidiaries assumes any liability whatsoever for the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein. This information is for educational purposes only.

1 comment:

ibraheem nuaaman said...

A great post with out doubt. The information shared is of top quality which has to get appreciated at all levels. Well done keep up the good work.
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